Sunday 23rd March 11am - Ceramic Carved Cookie Press -Lillebeart-Open Studios Workshop
Carve or imprint your own terracotta European inspired cookie press. You will have the opportunity to create a few different designs of your own imagination and to put little knobs on them.
Traditionally they have been used to press onto balls of cookie dough to decorate them, and they can be iced after cooking or enjoyed plain. Sweden and Germany are still known for baking a variety of cookies leading up to Christmas, some of which use a clay press, although many other European countries used these instead of metal cutters, with their own family traditional imprints for centuries.
Price includes costs of firing after they are completely dried and then posting to you- please ensure the address entered at checkout is the correct address that you want your cookie press’s sent to. This may take between 3-4 weeks after the workshop date.
Due to the carving tools used in this workshop it is advised for ages 12yrs old and up.
Duration: 1-1hrs20mins
Carve or imprint your own terracotta European inspired cookie press. You will have the opportunity to create a few different designs of your own imagination and to put little knobs on them.
Traditionally they have been used to press onto balls of cookie dough to decorate them, and they can be iced after cooking or enjoyed plain. Sweden and Germany are still known for baking a variety of cookies leading up to Christmas, some of which use a clay press, although many other European countries used these instead of metal cutters, with their own family traditional imprints for centuries.
Price includes costs of firing after they are completely dried and then posting to you- please ensure the address entered at checkout is the correct address that you want your cookie press’s sent to. This may take between 3-4 weeks after the workshop date.
Due to the carving tools used in this workshop it is advised for ages 12yrs old and up.
Duration: 1-1hrs20mins
Carve or imprint your own terracotta European inspired cookie press. You will have the opportunity to create a few different designs of your own imagination and to put little knobs on them.
Traditionally they have been used to press onto balls of cookie dough to decorate them, and they can be iced after cooking or enjoyed plain. Sweden and Germany are still known for baking a variety of cookies leading up to Christmas, some of which use a clay press, although many other European countries used these instead of metal cutters, with their own family traditional imprints for centuries.
Price includes costs of firing after they are completely dried and then posting to you- please ensure the address entered at checkout is the correct address that you want your cookie press’s sent to. This may take between 3-4 weeks after the workshop date.
Due to the carving tools used in this workshop it is advised for ages 12yrs old and up.
Duration: 1-1hrs20mins